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Pigletface on a rainy day.

Tim C @PigletsMemories

Age 31, Male



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Ronald McDonald High School Massacre

Posted by PigletsMemories - October 16th, 2008

Note: This is a story I wrote about school terror committed by a gunman, later to be identified as Ronald McDonald. The story may seem confusing to you as he is only called the gunman or the shooter until the ending, where he is then identified by the police. The school where the attacks took place is fictional, and no threats are made here.

It was always a good day at the Nicholas de Klerk Academy High School, a school where students aged 14 to 18 chose to attend for their academic performance. The alternative academy school, having an emphasis on culinary arts and health, housed only 350 students and 20 faculty members. All of the atmosphere at the school, filled of happiness, optimism and freedom, had changed on an autumn day of 2006. That day had students left concerned and confused of why the school was a target for such incident, and how they triggered one's emotions to have this such incident even come into reality. The incident, like many of the such, have been exaggerated by the media. It took quite a while for anybody to understand why this happened.

On the said described autumn day of 2006, at approximately 9:00 during the session of first period class, a gunman initially identified only as at least six feet tall and wearing a dark yellow trench coat and holdng a duffel bag, had breached inside the school building by firing a gunshot into a window pane of the school entrance. From there the gunman had entered in the building through the glass infraction and suddenly approached a health teacher passing by. The gunman quickly produced a Glock 22 pistol and fired on the health teacher's face twice, instantly killing him. The eruption of gunfire had people occupied in the school concerned on wheter or not they were gunshots, and the school staff had taken suggestion that they were, having it put on Code Blue lockdown.
The gunman, acknowledged of the school's lockdown from the intercom's messages, produced a second firearm-a Colt M1902 semi-automatic pistol, and approached a health classroom nine feet away from his standing, and fired on the lock and door with the semi-automatic pistol. As access to its' entrance was given, the gunman held his semi-automatic pistol with a brazen and monotone expression, and bolted to the teacher's seat, where the gunman held the teacher at gunpoint by her temple. As students responded with fear, the gunman brandished his Glock 22, threatening to shoot at anybody attempting to obstruct or disarm him. Police sirens were being heard, and police cars were converging near the school entrance, only 20 feet away from where the gunman was standing. After taking notice, the gunman fired a shot to the ceiling and taken the whole classroom of 27 students and a teacher hostage. Only eighteen seconds before a police officer could locate the room of the gunman, he had chained the outside doorknob with a Post-it note reading "IF YOU ATTEMPT TO BREAK OPEN THIS YOU WILL RECEIVE A FATAL RESPONSE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED" in Sharpie ink.
The gunman quickly took out a baclava ski mask from his duffel bag, hiding his identity. As police officers were heard shooting and infringing the door chains, the gunman had selected shooting victims at the beginning of his siege. A student was asked whether or not he supported the financial aid for McDonald's, and responded with a sonorous "no." Three bullets were hit to his face and abdomens, instantly killing him, causing traumatic shock from witnesses. Seconds later, the teacher, who was held at gunpoint in emotional traumatic fear, was shot in the face twice after attempting to throw a chair at the gunman. The women died an hour later from her wounds after being in a state of extreme unconsciousness. The two bodies were covered with cellophane and long white sheets of paper to hide them from authorities.
After two minutes of attempting breaching, two heavily armed police officers with thick bullet-proof vests donned on barged inside the classroom entrance and drawn guns at the gunman, leading to a stand-off. The police ordered the gunman to drop his weapons and surrender, though the gunman still threatened his hostages. Despite the fact that the gunman was already an extremely dangerous threat for allegedly murdering a teacher (which police had found the dead body of when entering the school), he was not shot and was taken a chance of being able to negotiate with police during the stand-off, which supposedly would have lasted for hours. Through the process of four hours and eighteen minutes that the siege was held, the gunman made at least three threats to kill himself and the students in the classroom, but made no visual threats by blatantly drawing or brandishing a weapon at one another. The gunman was never identified by authorities during the process of the siege, through hints were given that had suggested who the gunman was. At about 1:50 local time, the gunman abruptly put his hands down his pocket, and took out what would have been suspected of a weapon by police, in which a 14-year veteran, from a 12-feet range, fired two shots that lodged through the gunman's legs and arms. While the gunman had been shot, he threw a Molotov Cocktail at police officers, who attempted to shoot him, and flames erupted. As police officers, some catching on fire, stood from a far range, attempted to fire bullets at where the gunman had tried to conceal himself in the classroom.
Multiple shots were heard by police, and as students attempted to run for their lives, the gunman fired at nearly every student inside the room, killing four and wounding eight; another injured died later in the hospital. About eight others, including those who were shot, catched on fire. Two died from the flames, other suffering from severe fifth-degree burns. The gunman fled from the scene of the classroom, and had suddenly been scanned by police. As police approached and exchanged gunfire the gunman, the gunman disarmed himself by throwing his weapons and duffelbag on the floor, and quickly limped on his knees to a restroom with multiple gunshots on the arms, legs, and abdomen, and committed suicide by using his shoes to suffocate himself. He died before police found him in a urinal either in a condition of unconsciounsness or death. The corpse was found only sixteen seconds later after his death, and the death had been ruled out as a suicide. The method of suicide the gunman had committed had took about six hours to confirm.

As students, teachers, and police officers were (mortally) injured by either gunshots, flames, or glass and broken debris were taken out on stretchers to multiple hospitals-via hospitals, via ambulance vehicles, and some were rolled on their stretchers on their way to the hospital. It took about seventeen hours to conduct the real number of casualities from the killing spree, which was released to the media as 11 dead including the perpetrator's death, and around 17 to 20 injured.
Though what really had to be known by the people, especially the media, was who was the gunman? Who the hell shot all of these people? Who would have such nerve? The name of the shooter was identified as the religious deity and fast food chain founder, Ronald McDonald, of McDonald's. Some of the people who witnessed the attack recognized a few of his features, but could not conjure that it was really him. It really took some thinking, but the police were only able to identify him. People either knew Ronald as a good man, or an evil bastard.
The motive was also a big question, too. Why? Just why? Why did he shoot everyone? Why did he have to do this and then take his own life? It was because that the school he targeted was really a piece of shit that kept insulting his fast food establishements. The health program did their best to discourage eating at McDonald's. That certainly pissed Ronald and His people off, and seeing as he didn't take the shit, he went in the school, armed to the teeth, and shot and committed arson in which he called "McTerrorism." Ronald's suicide does not mean he is dead-he is immortal, especially in the spirits, and he can return to the planet of Earth at anytime he wants. Ronald lives in a different world, of different mortality, and if he wants to, he can return to Earth to terrorize and raise Hell and leave. Ronald, though may be known for his terrorism, is not a man of evil, he is also known as a man of love.

As President George Bush sent his condolences to the people affected by the tragedy, as vigils were attended by many, and as people worldwide sent their condolences and tried to make this world a better place-they were not aware that Ronald had a good reason for this. He was suffering. Or at least that was what his followers were thinking.


wow i cant believe i read all of that!!! nice job!!! im leaving a link to this on my post^^

wow, that was a good 15 min read, nice story.

this story sucks kid

Whatever, WPS.

STFU.none gives a fucking hell about youer stupid opinions.

this is priceless