Newgrounds has been declining over the past few years, but what the fuck...
I knew Foamy has been around for years, and has been liked, and I'm just like a broken record player having to say this: but Newgrounds is declining day by day. Foamy used to be at a more fair 3.9 score (should be really 1.5), but now it's 4.2 with the shitty fanboys clogging up Newgrounds. Nothing at all is improving. There are some good animators, and good people in general, but the amass of shitty animators who get all of the
(mostly) positive attention and naive 12-year-olds who have no concept of flash animation, are contributing to the decline; wait, they are of the decline.
Also, the spammers here aren't even funny. StagBeetle?? You've got to be kidding me. This guy is not funny, he's not cool. I just knew him as some guy who had American pride who tried to make fancy drawings and fit in with people. StagBeetle Day? Please... just... no. We don't care. Go away.
I come on the internet for communities to just chill out and churn my own stuff for display, and get to interact with the community, but Newgrounds is just making me sick. I try not to care about the Internet, but it's a retreat of mine and it's one of my depression or anger reliefs.
It pisses me off. I lost all of my motivation to churn out any Pigletfaces with my buddies because of this how this site has been. This site, 2005 or before that (disregard my sign-up date, I've been here on many accounts years back), did at least good for me... but now? Ugh...
Moving to another site is being considered, but I really like this site's format, so I don't know. The community here sucks.
stagbeetle is funny you hurt my feelings!!!
it's depressing to see neurotically yours in the state it is, where the only way IWP can get ratings now is teasing the viewers with boobs. it's terrible cause i remember when the series first started a number of years ago and had a lot of promise but just didnt go anywhere. i think i officially lost all interest at the series in any way after he uploaded that "jiggly butt" movie, an obvious fanservice stunt.
although i think that turd of the week incident he was involved with a couple years back destroyed most of his fanbase at the time, and now the fan's are mostly people new to NG and discovering NY for the first time.
No, StagBeetle is just shit.
Agreed with what you've said.