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Pigletface on a rainy day.

Tim C @PigletsMemories

Age 31, Male



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Rants and Pigletface collab

Posted by PigletsMemories - August 31st, 2008

This mongoloid is one of the most stupidest people I've encountered regarding Pigletface and myself. Throughout the whole convo, he wouldn't stop bitching about me being an "immature prick" or "that my movies were shit," and falsely accusing me of downvoting his movies. Most of what he said was basically repetitive bitching. In fact, the last time I've bothered him was two months ago, and he unblocked me for some reason and exaggerated about what I've done to bother him in the past to just piss me off. This shithead needs to just grow up and get his head out of his ass because eventually he'll get his ass kicked in real life for being this much of a bitch to people. Nobody cares about his shitty life, and he should realize that sucking-up to semi-pro animators on NG isn't going to get him far into his animation hobby. He probably gets stressed from his movies not becoming big hits, and takes it out on people like me. I hope he hangs himself so he helps with overpopulation, and we wouldn't have to deal with his bitching.

His flash is an overrated piece of shit that didn't get my attention at all until he IMed the shit out of my account to get me to see it. I disliked it. Basically the movie portrayed him as a "hero" going out and killing people (shitty animations). What an egotistic, unrealistic waste of oxygen. He accused me of downvoting his shit movie, and I guess it's wrong for me to have my own opinion on something. He got a shitload of friends like the fuckhead known as Frozensheep to 10 and 5 the movie, but it didn't deserve it at all. I haven't even payed attention to him in quite a while, but he keeps unblocking me on AIM to take out his real life events on me. He needs to just grow up and realize that what he's doing is completely worthless.

Thebackalleys is just a bunch of stupid fucktards, with the exception of a couple, who can't get their heads out of their asses and realize that most of the stuff I said was just a bunch of jokes. I don't have a specified autistic spectrum disorder, but if I do, why does it matter? Anyways, you guys can go fuck yourselves. I usually never act like this because I try to be cool, calm, and collect online, because obviously, this is the Internet, and it's a place I go to to fulfill my hobby. These kind of people are responsible for the decline of the Western civilization. These people make me lose faith in humanity. They need to be shot in the head for the sick animals that they are. Because maybe one day these fuckers will mature and realize that their negative contributions are what's REALLY fucked up about this world.

Anyways, enough with that, I was being carried away..

I shouldn't be distracted from other things that are more important because of this little argument, but I try my best to be open about these kind of idiots.

Pigletface Collab
Anyways, the Pigletface collab is still in production (see last blog). I will have it released when anyone feels like they have enough time to complete their piece. I'm shooting for late September to anytime in October to get this baby done, but I don't that to put pressure onto anybody. Take your time, work at your own pace, and something good will come out of it.

The following is a sample of the Pigletface collab art:

Rants and Pigletface collab



My dick is sore

from throbbing your pigletface


Maybe if you posted documentation of the exchanges between the two of you, we could have some proof as to what a "shithead" Anigen may or may not be.

Simply saying things about him does not make you right, and to tell us that he is an egoist without evidence we can decide on ourselves is a very self-righteous thing to do.

I'm not saying he wasn't a dick to you, but you haven't given any reason to believe he was either.

As a final departing note, his movie is far superior to those you have submitted. Sure it was highly flawed and very clearly rushed, but your ignorant analysis of it as being simply "him as a 'hero' going out and killing people" clearly displays your own tendency to jump to conclusions. All those who are featured in that cartoon are friends of Anigen's and members of the RWD, and his approach where he 'kills' them is an humours and harmless metaphor at his attempt to fight his way into the ranks of the RWD flash crew.

All in all, I feel, just by reading your post with no prior knowledge of the conflict, that you are in fact at fault here, not Anigen.

Here: http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/0 10908/62747_anigenshit.txt

I hate his movie. I have my opinion, and you have yours too, but I don't see the point into comparing his stuff to mine because my stuff isn't good anyways. Anigen is somewhat skilled in a few areas, but I disliked the concept in it, and I don't know what the hell "RWD" is, but what I'm saying is that his portrayal of himself in the flash was pathetic.

Also, anigen can go fuck himself if he thought my dad sexually abused me. He did not. Clearly I was giving an example of people who have it so much worse than him, and he's too much of a happy fucker to realize that.

butts in the air shitting everywhere

what memories od u have uv takin a dump on a moose



lol ur dad called he sez ur gay

RWD is a shitty non-group where pieces of shit go to suck cock